Dienstag, 19. Februar 2019

Step by Step - the metamorphosis

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3,18).

We all change. Every day. Sometimes, we don't realize it. Every time, I have to wait for something to happen or to be done, I learn patience - I change. 

Every time, I don't know what to do and I find a solution, 
I learn to solve problems - I change.

Every time, I call someone who is sick or needs my help, 
I learn how to be compassionate - I change.

I don't see it though.

When you are a kid and you grow into a teenager, you don't realize it every day that you are growing constantly in size, in wisdom and so on.

  Most of us want everything right now! Pronto. That's easier. 
  I experienced that I almost never get right away what I want. Sometimes, it takes days, sometimes months, and sometimes even years. I just can't help it. God never has the same comprehension of time as I do. For him, there is no time. 
  In heaven, there is no time. That's why you live forever over there. There is no dimension of time and space. It must be paradise. There is no one who stresses you out. No one who wants you to do chores or tasks. No one who tells you when to eat or sleep or have fun.

  It's God, you and the others. In peace, without stress. Just wonderful.

  But why do we have so much stress on this earth. There is always something to do. Someone to care for. Someone to help. Something to put in order. Something to regulate or organize.

  Never standing still. You are to do this and that around the clock. 24/7. After some years or even decades, you might get sick.

  God is different. Step by step, he transforms you into his image. Metamorphosis, from the caterpillar to the butterfly. It takes time and effort. It does not happen overnight. Sometimes, it takes too long and too much energy is wasted, we think.

  But in God's eyes, time and energy are not wasted. They are necessary to change us - into his image. More and more, day by day, step by step.

  ...and our faces are unveiled, as the text puts it. We are honest. We don't pretend. We don't wear masks. We are just ourselves. And that's enough. People, with whom you can't be your true self, just forget about them. You only have this one life on this earth. And time is short here.